Is There Such a Thing as a Predatory Conference?
In our webinar a couple of weeks ago on "Getting the Most from Your First Conference", we were asked a really valuable question (thanks January and Darlina) - "we all hear about 'Predatory Journals' - is there such a thing as a 'PREDATORY CONFERENCE'?
In short, YES there are.
A predatory conference is much the same in terms of its red flags. I've edited the Q&A session from the webinar to share my thoughts, and also put a link to a Wiki post below addressing the same general question.
Whilst they exist, we have to remember a couple of points: (1)
They are not illegal (they are just not all that focused, or ethical), and
(2) The research presented through the conference isn't
necessarily of poor quality - only the channels of access is
deemed to be.
As a research student, a predatory conference may still be your first step into the world, and the opportunities for feedback, experience at public speaking, etc may still be incredibly valuable for you.
Key outtake: choose wisely!
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