Pipped to the Post on Authorship Pole Position?
Late last year, during a webinar on copyright issues, I was asked by one participant, when it comes to journals, should my supervisors name go first? They naturally assumed that it should, and that they would play second fiddle to the more experienced academic.
But, that's not always (or even usually) the case. Academic authorship and pole position in a journal article, book chapter, or even a book is a hotly-contested topic, especially as it's both a perceived power-play with some, but also seen as an entitlement for others. The ethics of authorship alone can be a myriad of challenges.
From an academic standpoint, there are several scholarly articles circulating that give insights as to how to assign positioning in authorship. If we turn to the cartoon world, there are plenty of cute cartoons which wish to solve the same problem (although, doubt that they do). I picked up on the following narrative by Myers, George, and Green (or should that ne Green, Myers, & George, or some other combination - alphabetical, perhaps) which I thought was a fun and relevant discussion through the issues.
Whilst not necessarily solving the problem, it highlights considerations to be made. My personal advice: have the authorship discussion early on - and certainly not only when the manuscript is ready for submission!
Whose Name Goes First?
We are three colleagues - a humanities scholar, a
social scientist, and a physician - who recently made it through a quagmire of
disagreement over authorship order and lived to tell about it.
We teach in an interdisciplinary medical-humanities
department. Our story centers on our collaboration on an article describing how
a “hidden curriculum” is revealed in comics created by fourth-year medical
students for a course that one of us (Michael) developed. Like many writing
projects among colleagues who care passionately about their work, ours was a
success. However, as we readied the article for submission, the reality that we
had failed to agree on authorship order came crashing down. We worked hard to
talk things through, but it soon became clear that there were distinct
disciplinary worldviews that precluded an easy solution.
This is a story about when things fall apart, told
through our three perspectives. Having navigated the choppy waters of
interdisciplinary disagreement, we feel we have some hard-earned guidance to
impart to colleagues in similar situations.
Danny: As an
anthropologist, I’d found the comics created by Michael’s students to be a
scholarly treasure trove. The unsettling imagery, narratives, and metaphors —
while deeply disturbing — have provided insights into the experience of being
acculturated into medicine, and Michael and I have published several articles
about our findings.
If someone who is not first author offers to improve
and transform a paper, don’t begin major revisions unless and until there is
agreement about the implications for authorship.
When Kimberly joined us to write a new article on the
hidden curriculum, it seemed clear that Michael was, ineluctably, the first
author. He was the progenitor of the course, had put in countless hours to
create the scholarly infrastructure that enabled our collaboration, and had
developed a PowerPoint to organize his thinking around the subject. That
content ultimately became the first draft of our article.
However, as we met about the project, I could see a
creative spark ignited in Kimberly. When we agreed with her suggestion to
develop the article for a mainstream publication, she volunteered to take the
lead. In reworking the draft, she infused it with a new voice and style. It was
during this period that something shifted in my perception of authorship order.
When we had arrived at a near-final draft, I dashed off a now laughably naïve
email to the group: “I don’t know that we ever decided about authorship.
Obviously, Kimberly is first author. ...”
Michael did not share that view. Both he and Kimberly
offered well-reasoned, spirited arguments for why they felt they should be
first author. When it became clear that we could not reach a consensus, we
decided to write up an anonymous account of the project and consult three of my
colleagues. If nothing else, I hope my email mistake serves as a monument for
anyone wishing to use the word “obviously” in academe.
Michael: During seven
years of teaching the comics course, I have collaborated with Danny and
Kimberly on numerous shared presentations and publications. When our
conversations stimulated interest in the hidden curriculum within medical
education, I drafted several abstracts (with Danny) that were accepted for
presentations at national conferences. I then prepared PowerPoints and
delivered talks on comics and the hidden curriculum, refining the ideas along
the way. My various presentations resulted in a first draft of our manuscript.
Danny and I invited Kimberly to join the writing team,
as she had a long-standing interest in both comics and medical education, and
we thought she would make a substantive contribution. At this point, my
assumption (which I thought was shared by all three of us) was that I would be
first author and Danny and Kimberly would be co-authors.
When we met, Kimberly suggested writing for an
educated lay audience rather than a medical journal, and volunteered to render
the original ideas in a new literary voice. We all agreed (unfortunately,
without specifically discussing how our names would be listed) and she got to
work. By the time her draft was complete, it was stylistically different, with
her voice evident throughout. At this point, Danny sent around an email
presuming Kimberly as first author, and I bristled.
Quite simply, I didn’t see that coming. While Kimberly
unquestionably transformed the manuscript and put more words on the page than
did I, the raw material, the idea, the framing, and the first draft were mine.
And I felt unprepared to relinquish the primary role.
That said, I also felt uncertain, and sought input
from two trusted colleagues who were more detached than I. Both said that they
believed I should remain first author. So when Danny, Kimberly and I spoke, we
realized that we had reached an impasse.
Kimberly: When we
initially met to discuss the project, I suggested that we target a new
readership. Danny and Michael had just published a related piece in JAMA and,
given that journal’s high visibility, I believed we had already reached the
widest audience we could in academic medicine. The three of us were excited
about expanding into new territory.
Michael sent me his original PowerPoint and the
document he had subsequently created — an outline, as it seemed to me, in the
format and style of an academic paper, with the comic panels and itemized
themes from his presentation.
Because the new audience would be quite different from
what Michael had originally intended, the format and the nature of the
information had to change entirely. I removed the Methods, Results, and
Discussion sections and created a narrative - and a conversational style and
tone - to draw readers into the topic. Because Michael’s discussion of each
theme seemed largely a summary of what appears in the comics panels, the
majority of my work was analysis: fleshing out the nuances depicted in the
panels to illuminate themes Michael had identified. Subsequent edits to my
draft by the three of us were minor.
In claiming first-authorship, Michael was, I felt,
appropriating my unique style, analysis, and vision for a new kind of
manuscript. Whereas humanities scholars typically write alone, on this
collaborative paper, author order would be germane to my potential promotion in
academic medicine.
Furthermore, when Michael reported that two of his
colleagues thought he should be first author, I immediately wondered about
their objectivity. His reporting their views made me feel that he was pushing
the issue. For these reasons, I was not willing to concede that this was a fair
“arbitration” and suggested that we get input from trusted colleagues in
different disciplines.
Resolution: Danny agreed to contact a colleague in academic medicine and another
in the humanities. The three of us then wrote - and edited until we all agreed
upon - a description of the problem, casting both parties as female to remove
gender bias. The referendum came back split, along disciplinary lines.
We then decided to send it to a third colleague in our
hybrid discipline of medical humanities. Kimberly readily agreed to abide by
the decision; Michael was willing, but hesitant.
Here is how the medical-humanities colleague
responded: “My gut sense is that both authors have, in their own ways,
contributed equally to this project, which simply supports how difficult this
negotiation must be. In recognition that a decision must be reached, however, I
would argue that credit goes to the first professor — as the originator of the
idea and the generator of the initial draft, as she maintained active work in
the project through collaborative editing. The tacit understanding of the first
professor’s ‘ownership’ of the project also supports this.
“At the same time, were I in the first professor’s
shoes, I would cede first author to the second professor — partly to credit the
reconceptualization of the project for a lay audience, and much of the writing
work — but largely because she is in a position where it matters more
Satisfied that this had been a fair process, we talked
it over and ultimately agreed that Michael and Kimberly would share primary
authorship, with Michael’s name appearing first. Our article has not yet
appeared in print but we plan to indicate in a note, depending on the
magazine’s protocol, that two of us share primary authorship on the piece. Even
so, as those of us in higher education know, tensions can linger after
disagreements are resolved. This essay is one attempt at reconciliation.
So, what have we learned? Although our own experience
has not been fully satisfying, we do have some advice for other scholars
contemplating cross-disciplinary collaboration:
Discuss the meaning
of authorship order before beginning. How do respective academic fields
prioritize order? What is implied by first and last position? Is order
typically determined by contribution, seniority, alphabet, or something else?
Craft a common
understanding of expectations for first author. What are that scholar’s
responsibilities? Determine contingency plans if the first author can’t or
doesn’t meet expectations.
If someone who is not
first author offers to improve and transform a paper, don’t begin major
revisions unless and until there is agreement about the implications for
Revisit authorship
discussions as the project evolves. If anyone feels the order is not commensurate
with the work, take the time to discuss, renegotiate, and proceed with revised
duties or revised author order.
Communicate openly
and frequently, and be transparent. Consider using a worksheet, contract, or
other document that sets criteria and expectations for authorship.
State who did what
and agree on authorship order before submitting for publication. When authors
contribute equally, consider a statement such as “joint first authors” or
“contributed equally.”
Article Source: Whose Name Goes First? | The Chronicle
of Higher Education
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