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WEBINAR ALERT | PhD Pathway Series

Webinar Alert | PhD Pathway Series

At The Third Degree, we are all about empowering research students and enhancing the student journey. We've been through it ourselves, and we know just how tough it is. We also know how rewarding it is too!

Our mission is to share knowledge. Our specialty, research methodology.

Whilst we are running pilot programmes with universities, and getting our platform up-and-running (watch this space over the coming months) during the remainder of 2020, we will also be running a weekly webinar series, the PhD Pathway Series. 

Our Principal and invited specialists will offer insights into different aspects of the PhD journey, as well as discuss issues and challenges with select research methods. Whilst we encourage in-person online attendance (oxymoronic, almost), a recording of each webinar will be posted here on our blog.

Our aim is to give a balance of interesting discussion topics, which will continue every Wednesday from 14 October onwards. If you have a specific topic of interest, drop Craig a line at and we will see how we can include that into the programme.

Our initial webinars are aimed at those who are about to start their journey, or are in their first year. However, others are welcome to participate too. 

Topics until mid December include:

- Introduction to Historical Research
- Copyright & Your Thesis
- Thinking of Doing Your Phd?
- Research Ethics & Integrity
- Decolonising Methodologies
- Finding, Citing & Using Grey Literature
- Looking Out for One-Another in the PhD Community
- Getting the Best Out of Your First Conference

You are welcome to join one, some, or all - totally free-of-charge. If you're doing your Masters Degree, much of what is discussed will be relevant to you as well - we just might go a little deeper than you need. That being said, join us; you're more than welcome.

Do keep an eye out for the posts for each individual webinar, and do sign up for those that interest you.

We look forward to sharing our research journey in order to help empower yours!


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