Just how many research students should we be supervising?
This was part of a
conversation I had last weekend with a senior academic. We were discussing
various approaches to rationalising an answer, but also the perspectives and
approach different Universities take in establishing guidelines.
Between research, lecturing,
departmental and faculty obligations (committees, etc), there isn’t really a
lot of time remaining for supervision. An educated guestimate by both of us
that 5 research students in a year would be considered a healthy contribution
to the future of academia, accounting for approximately 25% of ones’ time – we agreed
that such a proportion would not be unheard of.
Fast forward until
yesterday. Change location and context to Malaysia. And what did I see, a local
private university advertising for a supervisory-based senior position – to work
with research students as a supervisor at post graduate levels.
The expectation:
supervise up to twelve (12) students within an equivalency of three (3) days
per week, AND … network to promote the school, mentor and support others, and
publish. Quite a big ask in relation to the quality of focused input that one
would hope is achieved.
We knew the pressure
was on in Asia, but how does this result in relevant and productive supervision
outcomes for research students?
Ignore the issue that the
discipline was left purposefully wide – a generic supervision blanket to enable
students to have an on-campus (or on-zoom) supervisor for both Masters and PhD –
tick the box rather than contribute specifically – not a guarantee that the
supervisor can strategically contribute to the student research per se.
What it does is add justification
to what we are doing at #TheThirdDegree. Investment in our #ResearchStudents is
essential for the future. Don’t skimp on that investment, either financially,
or with allocation of time and other resources.
Interested on your
feedback as to ideal number of students to supervise, and how you balance that
from semester-to-semester, to ensure consistent outcomes for your students.
#ResearchSupervision #AcademicWorkLifeBalance #Universities
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