Me, You, & You Too; or You, You Too, & Me? Yup, the Issue of Academic Authorship (Roles) Emerges Again Through our webinars and individual consults with postgraduate research students, many have asked the time-old question regarding shared authorship – especially for conference papers and articles published during and post-graduation. We usually point them in the direction of Kearns et al 1996 as a good discussion document. For some in academia though, it’s quite a touchy subject; with many students ‘feeling’ that it isn’t important. Well, that’s a matter of opinion, as well as an extension of historical practice in some parts of the world. Our take on the matter is that it is important! The ‘application of rules’ may not be consistent across geographies, but the importance of acknowledging the various contributions and roles played in creating a final published piece of research is both a matter of academic integrity and respect. This very recent post...
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