Defending THE Institution? Maybe I am trying to defend a fallen castle, but I don’t quite believe it’s at that stage yet! While applauding businesses, big and small, embracing alternative qualifications to facilitate employment opportunities, one must remember that the University itself is not only a centre of learning – it is an entire socialisation and networking experience that has significant value-add over and above the content of learning and assessment. Encouraging short or modular online learning is perfectly fine, but we must not kid ourselves that it provides a holistic approach – either to topic or to social inclusion. Nor does it pave the way to successful remote working. There’s far more to those jig-saw puzzles than just a course. There will always be value in a full university degree. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet. __________ Google Plan To Replace The Need For College Degrees With Six-month ...
The Third Degree is a resource and academic consulting platform supporting post-graduate research students, designed to enable on-demand access to relevant resources and experts, and give students further avenues for personal and professional growth and networking.